Jan 18, 2021 | by Elder Joe Franchina | series: The Whole Story
930-950 AM – Pre-Service Prayer (church basement)
10 AM – Worship Service Begins (livestream: 10:30AM) Nursery (up to age 3) and Children’s Church (ages 4-7) staffed year-round
1120 AM – Coffee and Refreshments
1130 AM – 1215 PM – Sunday School for All Ages (During the school year)
BEYOND SUNDAY Visit our “What’s Happening” page to see what else we’re up to and who to call, but here are a few highlights:
Mid-week Morning Prayer on Zoom 7-730 AM every Wednesday
Home Groups meet bi-weekly (Monday, Tuesday or Friday)
YOUTH GROUP (7-12 graders) meets bi-weekly Wednesday night 630-830 PM (During the school year with special events in the Summer)
Contact info: Call us: 401-783-2792 E-Mail us: officefbcn@gmail.com