Sundays at FBCN
Join us in worship every Sunday at 10 AM.
Stuck at home or away? We livestream: FBCN Facebook (beginning at 10:30 AM)
Parents Be Assured:
Nursery is open and staffed year-round
Children’s Church available for ages 4-7
Want to know more? Visit our Children’s Ministry Page
Love coffee? So do we. Grab a drink and light refreshments on your way out or stay awhile.
After church studies for All Ages. Run-time is generally 30 mins and wrap up at 12:15.
Our adult class is studying The Pilgrim’s Progress. Additionally, we have a women’s study covering Galatians.
Beyond Sundays
Home Groups. Looking to connect, grow, pray, and serve with others? We have groups that meet in homes throughout Narragansett and Wakefield. Contact one of our home group coordinators to see where you fit in:
Assistant Pastor Aubrey Collins (214-808-8439)
Elder Russ Kraines (401-359-1211)
Diane Kraines (401-219-4368)
Sunday Morning Prayer. Join us Sunday morning for 20 minutes (9:30-9:50AM) at church in the youth room for 20 minutes of prayer focused on preparing the hearts of ourselves and others for worship.
Wednesday Morning Prayer. Join us on Zoom (Morning Prayer) Wednesdays at 7AM for 30 mins of prayer from home.
Friday Prayer Tent. Community outreach prayer. Offering prayer with and for those in the community seeking answers and encouragement in these troubling times. 12 PM – 2 PM Fridays. Outside in the field, under the tent.
Youth Group. We meet bi-weekly at the church for games, snacks, fun and discipleship from 6:30-8:30 PM. (7-12th grade). Look out for special events and activities year-round. Stay up to date here: Youth Group Facebook Page.
Adventure Club – New kids club (grades 2-6). Outdoor fun, snacks, and God’s Word. Free.
Select Tuesdays 4-5:30 PM. Upcoming Dates: 2/11, 2/25, 3/11, 3/25, 4/8, 4/22, 5/6, 5/20, 6/3, 6/17. New kids club (grades 2-6). Outdoor fun, snacks, and God’s Word. Free. Invite, Support and Step-in. Call Hannah 401-749-9952. All Children must register to attend. JotForm Link to register a child: REGISTER FOR ADVENTURE CLUB HERE
Women’s Bible Study. Monday nights at 7 PM at church and on Zoom. For more info, call Karen Smith (401-932-2936). Breaks for Summer. Currently using Lori Roeleveld’s, “Graceful Influence”.
Men’s Breakfast events are scheduled quarterly. Enjoy a stupendous breakfast and a devotional to stir your faith. All men are welcome!
C4C (Creating for Christ). Laurel Niemi leads this crafting group (no experience necessary, there’s always room to learn!). Meets 9AM-12PM one Saturday a month. Call the church office or Laurel (401-935-8726) with questions about projects or meeting dates.
Providence Rescue Mission – 4th Wednesday monthly. Contact Joe Franchina (401-284-1547) if you are interested in donating, joining the team, or just want to learn more about this amazing ministry.
Looking to hear the latest sermons? Head HERE to listen.
Special Events/Opportunities
Baptismal Service – On March 2 at morning service there will be a baptism. If you are interested in taking this step in your faith life, or want to know more, please speak with Pastor Caleb Morgan or contact the church office.
VBS 2025- Save the Dates: August 11-15, 2025!
Women’s Ministry Newsletter: Read HERE!
The Missionaries we support are listed HERE.
Please contact the church if you have any questions: 401-783-2792.
Last Page Update: 2/7//2025